Olympia LePoint - Answers Unleashed Talk Show in the studio

Talk Show Guests

TRIABRAIN Relationships

THE LEPOINT TRIABRAIN THEORY ON RELATIONSHIPS: You attract who you are.  So if you are not attracting the type of person who you want, this means you are not attracting yourself to you.  You attract your mirror.  So, become your own great partner.  Think of yourself as lovable. When you start to appreciate the unique qualities that you bring to the world, you become rich with relationship options.  Simply because, you have a relationship with yourself first.


Answers Unleashed with Olympia LePoint

Episode 64:
Dating with Authenticity with Connell Barrett

Season 6 Air Date: Monday October 15,  2018 on KPC Radio


Human brain AMYGDALA - cross section

Are you stuck in the dating world and find the dating process to be confusing or even frustrating? Are you single and looking for “Mr. Right” or “Ms. Perfect 10?”  If so, tune into to this special episode with Dating Coach Connell Barrett who will share the three A’s to winning an amazing girlfriend or boyfriend who may turn out to be your “Mrs. Right” and “Mr.Right.”  This Answers Unleashed episode is with host Olympia LePoint will leave you transformed into a “people magnet.”

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Connell Barrett

Olympia LePoint TriaBrain Backstory image

As a person who overcame dating obstacles in his own life, Connell Barrett is the founder and executive coach of DatingTransformation.com. With the core basis of authenticity as a part of his program, Connell Barrett is a man who helps men and women unlock their true selves to attract awe-inspiring dating partners. Mr. Barrett had to learn the art of dating after he experienced relationship heartache. When Connell’s wife left him just 9 weeks after their wedding, he dated but always ended up in the “friend zone.” With a decision to make a major shift in his mind, Connell spent a decade training with top dating and self-development experts and discovered how to attract amazing women – but not with games – but with his true self. He realized that integrity was the key to attracting, building and forming quality relationships.  As a life-transformation coach focused on helping people gain great girlfriends and boyfriends, Connell has helped thousands of guys become better daters and better men. Visit his website  DatingTransformation.com.

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