Talk Show Guests
When a person decides to overcome challenges, the brain reshapes and finds answers. The brain is forever positively altered, and constantly reshapes itself to regularly find solutions. If a person channels this brainpower into higher education, the person finds answers in other areas of his (or her) life. And this brainpower leads to innovative methods being formed for multiple people. Entrepreneurs, scientists, inventors and society leaders all are specialists at overcoming challenges.
Episode 5:
Rising Up through Higher Education
Air Date: March 16, 2016 on KPC Radio
Are you pursuing a degree? Do you need tips to position yourself for more career opportunities? What life situations could hold you back from your success? Do you know the resources available for you to overcome challenges? One such person who is beating his odds and helping thousands of university students do the same. James Henry is a California State University Northridge Academic Advisor and Lecturer who is earning his Ed.D. in Education. Yet Mr. Henry has faced his own challenges after being displaced from his home with the natural gas leak in Porter Ranch, California which was considered a State of Emergency in California by Governor Brown. Displaced with his family, James Henry is still managing to help over 10,000 first time college students earn their university degrees. Learn the tips to overcome any situation to obtain your higher educational degree by listening to his powerful story.
Newest Einstein:
James Henry
As a person who has overcome many challenges, James Henry is on his way to earning his Doctorate in Higher Education at California Lutheran University. Raised in severe Los Angeles poverty, James Henry was never expected to pursue a higher education, let alone live past the age of 18. James Henry graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in African American Studies and earned an Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Educational Policy and Leadership from California State University Northridge. Mr. Henry has been an academic advisor with the in the Educational Opportunity Program for past 16 years and has lectured at Los Angeles Valley College, Mission College, Ventura and California State University Northridge. He is the currently in leadership advisory roles for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, and the Black Alumni Association on the California State University Northridge campus.