Talk Show Guests
THE LEPOINT TRIABRAIN THEORY: Sometimes the brain needs rewiring by ending an old situation. A new chapter can begin. This new experience will provide new pathways foryour brain to strengthen its interior. With new brain connections, the mind creates new life chapters as a way to further connect the brain.

Episode 61:
Walk into Your New Life Chapter
Season 6 Air Date: September 11, 2018 on KPC Radio

Often in life, you will feel lost when a certain art of your world ends – a job ends, when the relationship dissolves or when you finish school, or some other major part of your life is no longer available. Moving forward when you do not know your options can seem terribly overwhelming. This feeling is a natural part of a New Chapter phase. In this episode, Answers Unleashed Host Olympia LePoint reveals the process to bridge your old chapter with your new one, so you can move forward. After listening, your new chapter officially begins.

New Triabrain Pathways = New Life Pathways
As your brain changes its shape into new pathways, you create new pathways in your life. This concept is frequently manifested within STEM Innovation. Chaotic environments must be transformed. When you arrange the interior of your brain, your exterior situations change to reflect the change inside of your head. This new reflection propels you faster to your desired result. This Triabrain Theory of Relativity is revealed in the book: Answers Unleashed: The Science of Unleashing Your Brain’s Power in its Chapter 5.